Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Been A While...

So, not a lot has been going on lately. So why the lack of posts then, you ask? Because the past couple of weeks, I've either been sick or working and/or tired. Not a lot of fun there. But cool news, John and I (I have his permission to use his name, so I don't have to call him "the boy" anymore...which will make him happy) will be heading to San Diego to see the Phillies play. We're both pretty stoked and we have our Phillies gear ready to go (red, red, red!) and we're excited to see the guys in action again. Plus I'm excited to visit San Diego (we're going to the zoo too!) and enjoy their nice weather. I just hope it's not too "cold" for me!

John took this during the one day I was sick: Nova and I napping together.