Monday, June 23, 2014

Day Trip to Cambridge, MA

A couple of weeks ago John's parents came up to visit. One of the days we took a day trip up to Cambridge to see Harvard and to check out their natural history museum. The building was a lot larger than we thought it would be and held some pretty interesting stuff. If you enjoy flowers, there was a whole room filled with replicas made out of glass.

The natural history museum is attached to the Peabody Museum which "engages in, supports, and promotes the study and appreciation of ancient and contemporary peoples from around the world."

There are so many interesting buildings in Cambridge. On our walk back to the train station, we passed the gorgeous Memorial Hall.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

George B. Parker Woodland

A couple weeks ago, John bought a book about local hiking trails throughout New England and we decided we'd hike each one throughout our time here in Providence. The first hike we chose was the George B. Parker Woodland. It's located in Coventry, RI and we thought it was the perfect way to start our hiking adventures. I enjoy trails that are surrounded by woods where you feel like you're exploring rather than following several people around a walking path.

Along our hike we stumbled upon natural deposits of quartz. Because they were shaded by the trees, these two rocks were cold to the touch and a pleasant surprise.

One of the reasons we picked this trail was because of these rock structures called cairns. No one knows why they were built or even when. It was even crazier to learn that parts of the woodland was once farmland. It's amazing how quickly a landscape can change in the course of a couple hundred years.