First off, I'm horrible with coming up with ideas for blog titles. I'll literally spend days and weeks trying to come up with something witty or cool until I get too anxious about not coming up with anything that I'll almost use anything that comes to mind first just so I can get started. How I could feel the pressure for a journal that wasn't even created yet, I don't know...but that's what I do. Anyway...
For this blog, I tried to think up something that would be related to both me and the Boy. Something that would tie us together without being too cheesy or too boring. It's probably a little nerdy, if anything.
Depending on your age, you've probably played - or at least seen - one of these games (or if you're not into video games, it's called A Boy and His Blob). The old NES version was hard! First, you had to figure out what each jelly bean flavor did to the blob (for example, the vanilla jelly beans turned him into an umbrella). That wasn't really the hard part. The way the game was made, it's just impossible to beat. The Wii version is almost nothing like the original. It's so much easier and frankly, a lot cuter. You don't have to figure out what the jelly beans do in the new version and the levels are fairly easy to beat.
So what does that have to do with this blog? Both the Boy and I grew up on old S/NES video games. We've both played ABAHB. And as I already said, I thought the new version was cute and I could picture us as the two characters in the game (although to be honest, I'd probably be the blob...I follow his lead more than he follows mine!). I guess the whole idea of the two being friends and depending/trusting each other made sense and honestly, it was the first game that came to mind that I could remotely tie to a relationship. And that's about it!
Maybe some day I'll find someone to create a cool header of the two of us as a mock-up of one of the games (hint hint).
And FYI, the Boy does not look like a blob...and I do not look like a boy.